Edit salary statement
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
Select the salary template from which salary types and values are inherited. Manage: This button allows you to manage salary templates.
Enter the date of the salary statement. Manage: This button allows you to manage fiscal periods.
Payment date
Enter the date when the salary should be paid. Manage: This button allows you to manage fiscal periods.
Select the current status of the salary statement. The default status is "Draft". In draft mode, no journal entries are created, and the salary statement does not generate a salary certificate. It only becomes effective from the "Open" status. Once marked as "Paid" or "Skipped", the salary statement is considered finalized and no longer due.
Select the person receiving the salary. Only persons with the "Employee" role can be selected. Manage: This button allows you to manage people.
This is the automatically generated document number. You can also enter it manually. The default sequence number is defined in the salary template. Refresh: This button replaces the value with the current sequential number.
Manage: This button allows you to manage sequential numbers.
The currency of the salary statement. By default, the primary currency is used.
If a foreign currency (not the primary currency) is selected, an exchange rate can be entered (see next field). Manage: This button allows you to manage currencies.
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
Exchange rate
If a foreign currency is selected, you can enter the exchange rate here. For some currencies, this value is automatically populated (see Currencies for a list of supported currencies).
The automatic exchange rate is always based on the document date (24-hour average from the previous day). For example, if you create a document dated 01.01.2015, the exchange rate for that date is suggested. The accuracy of this exchange rate is not guaranteed and should be considered a reference only. You can manually override the exchange rate if needed.
Refresh: This button retrieves the latest automatic exchange rate (useful if you change the document date).
Salary types
Salary types are added to the salary statement here. Salary, allowances, deductions, employer contributions, etc., are all considered salary types. Each row represents a salary type or a salary sum (in bold). All salary types are maintained in the Salary configuration under Salary types and are visible in Reports under Salary report / Salary type master.
Add [more]
This button's menu contains all available salary types that can be added. By default, they are categorized into Salary, Allowances, Deductions & Other. There is also a search field where you can enter a salary type (number and/or description) and add it with ENTER. Each salary type can only be added once.
Edit [more]
When editing a salary type, a dialog opens. This dialog differs depending on the configured fields for the salary type.
This button only appears when you edit an existing salary statement. You can open a salary statement and save it without changing any values and amounts, even if the values in the salary template or the calculation in the salary type have changed in the meantime. If everything should be recalculated, click this button or edit a salary type on the salary statement.
The salary statement inherits insurances from the salary template, meaning it is best to record insurances there rather than directly in the salary statement, except in special cases.
A salary statement includes insurances to ensure that insurance reports (such as AHV salary declaration, BVG settlement, FAK settlement, etc.) are correctly accounted for in the reports. Insurance types such as AHV/IV/EO/ALV, UVG, FAK, BVG, etc., are maintained under Salary configuration / Insurance types. Then there are insurances which are entered as persons with the role "Insurance". Each insurance can have one or more contracts (insurance types).
For example, if an insurance provider offers both BVG and UVG (two contracts), this provider can be added to the salary statement twice — once for BVG and once for UVG. If an insurance type has different codes (e.g., for KTG with codes A1, A2, B1), an insurance provider can be added per code. Different providers can also be assigned for different codes.
Select an existing insurance from the menu and add it. Insurances are categorized by type and code. A new insurance provider (as a person) can also be created here.
Edit the selected insurance (person).
Remove the insurance from the salary statement. The person itself is not deleted.
Custom fields: Here you can define your own fields. See Custom fields.
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
Notes: You can enter arbitrary notes here.
Recurrence: Here you can configure the document to be repeated automatically in the desired interval. CashCtrl will automatically create the document each time.