Edit salary type
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
The fields "Base salary," "Number of days," and "Employment level" are dynamic fields (similar to custom fields) that are configured within the respective salary type, in this case, "1000 Monthly salary." These fields are not explained in detail here, as there are hundreds of salary types.
The values entered here are inherited by both child salary templates and the salary statements created from this template.
The fixed fields that apply to every salary type are:
Only in month
Restricts the salary type to a specific month. For example, the 13th-month salary is only activated in December.
Only pre-configuration
By default, salary types configured in the salary template automatically appear on the salary statement. If this checkbox is selected, only the values of the salary type are preconfigured, but the salary type itself does not automatically appear on the salary statement.