Please note: Foreign currencies can only be used in the PRO version. You can manage multiple currencies in the free version and change the main currency anytime, but you can only use one single currency in book entries.

In the dialog "Currencies" you manage a list of the currencies you use in your accounting; your main currency and the foreign currencies.

All book entries are using the main currency by default, even if the main currency is changed at some point. This means, as long as you are only using one single currency, it can be changed anytime. As soon as you use a foreign currency in a book entry, the main currency cannot be changed anymore.

This list is pre-populated with 3 currencies (CHF, EUR, USD). You can adapt this list however, remove currencies and add new ones.

Add / edit / copy currency

Currencies are edited directly within the table (by double-clicking an entry or clicking on "Edit"). In the first column you set the main currency with the check-box provided (there can only be one). The currency code corresponds to the international 3-letter ISO-code (ISO 4217). This code is used everywhere (in documents, reports, etc.) to represent the currency.

Exchange rate

The exchange rate is the rate from the selected currency to the main currency. It is automatically filled in (e.g. in book entries) for the following currencies:


I.e. for these currencies you cannot enter a rate manually. For all other currencies you can enter a rate here, which is then pre-filled e.g. in book entries.

The automatic exchange rate is always taken from the date of the book entry (24h average for the previous day). If you create a book entry for 2015/01/01, the exchange rate of this date is suggested. There is no guarantee for the accuracy of the exchange rate, it is only to be seen as a suggestion. You can, however, override the exchange rate manually.