This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).

This section defines different types of insurance (OASI/DI/IC/UI, OPP, FCF, etc.). An insurance type may have specific codes (e.g., A1, A2, B1) or none at all.

Certain salary types require a specific insurance type to be present on the salary statement. For example, the salary type "5010 OASI contribution" mandates that an insurance of type "OASI/DI/IC/UI" must be included on the salary statement; otherwise, the statement cannot be saved.

Insurances are entered as persons (with the role "Insurance") and offer one or more insurance types through contracts. For example: A compensation fund may provide OASI/DI/IC/UI and FCF insurance types. An insurance provider may offer OPP, AIA, and DIB coverage. In the salary statement or its salary template (from which it inherits), insurances are added when salary types requiring specific insurance types are present. If codes are present, an insurance provider can be added per code; otherwise, one insurance provider can be added per insurance type.

Common Swiss insurance types are preconfigured, but custom types can also be defined.

Add / Edit / Copy [more]
Create a new insurance type or modify/copy an existing one.

Select one or more insurance types to delete. Referenced insurance types cannot be deleted.