Edit salary template
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
Inherit from
Select the parent template from which this template should inherit settings, including salary types and insurances.
The name of the salary template. This can be entered in multiple languages (see Translation field).
Sequence number
Document numbers are generated automatically. This field shows the next sequence number that will be used for newly created salary statements from this template. Manage: This button allows you to manage sequence numbers.
The currency that salary statements created from this template will use. This is currently restricted to the main currency. Manage: This button allows you to manage currencies.
The layout (design of the PDF) that salary statements created from this template will use. Manage: This button allows you to manage layouts.
The address of the selected location will appear as the sender on the salary statement. Manage: This button allows you to manage locations.
Enter the day of the month that should be set when creating a salary statement. By default, the current day is used, but this setting overrides it.
Payment date
Works the same way as the Date field but applies to the payment date of the salary statement.
Use as default template
Check this box to set this template as the default for new salary statements.
Salary types
Add salary types here that should automatically appear on salary statements created from this template. Salary types and their values are inherited from the parent template. All salary types are managed under Salary configuration / Salary types and are visible in Reports under Salary report / Salary type master.
Add [more]
This button opens a menu with all available salary types, categorized by Salary, Allowances, Deductions & Other. A search field allows you to enter a salary type number or name and add it using ENTER. Each salary type can only be added once.
Edit [more]
Editing a salary type opens a dialog, which differs based on the fields configured for that salary type.
Select one or more salary types to delete. Inherited salary types cannot be deleted.
Add insurances here that should automatically appear on salary statements created from this template. Insurances are inherited from the parent template. Insurances are entered as persons with the role "Insurance" (see Edit person). Preconfigured demo insurances can be renamed or replaced as needed.
Select an existing insurance from the menu and add it. Insurances are categorized by type and code. You can also create a new insurance provider (as a person) here.
Edit the selected insurance (person).
Remove the insurance from the salary template. The person itself is not deleted.
Text above
Select a text template to be used for the text above the salary type table on the salary statement. Manage: This button allows you to manage text templates.
Text below
Select a text template to be used for the text below the salary type table on the salary statement. Manage: This button allows you to manage text templates.
Mail subject
Enter the subject line for emails when sending a salary statement via email. The same variables as in the email text template can be used (see next field).
Mail text
Select a text template for the email body when sending a salary statement via email.
This message is included in the payment order (pain.001) as the remittance information for the recipient of the bank transfer.
Notes: You can enter arbitrary notes here.