This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).

Mandatory field
This code corresponds to the code on the salary certificate form. It can be A, B, C, ... or 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, .... The same code is also entered in salary types so that their calculated amount is printed on the salary certificate. The code can contain a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters.

Mandatory field
Enter a description. This can be entered in multiple languages (see Translation field).

A value can be calculated here using variables and functions. For most elements, this field can be left empty, as the amount is already calculated via the code assigned to salary types. However, some elements are not calculated from salary types, in which case this field has three possible uses:

  1. If the element is a checkbox, the text in the next field ("X") is only displayed if the calculation returns "true". If it returns "false," the text is not displayed. For example, in code F, the "X" is not shown by default (set to "false"). However, using the Field (see below), the checkbox can be enabled when editing the salary certificate or the employee profile (Person).
  2. If the element is a numeric amount, it can be calculated here. For example, the "Gross salary" element simply retrieves the gross salary sum using the variable $grossSalarySum.
  3. If the element is plain text, leave the calculation field empty and enter the text in the next field. However, this text will then appear on all salary certificates for all employees, which is usually not desired. To enter texts specific to an individual salary certificate or employee, utilize the Field below.

Click here to look up available variables and functions and insert them at the cursor position.

Enter text that should appear at the element's position (see X/Y coordinates). This can be entered in multiple languages (see Translation field).

Position: X / Y
Mandatory field
Enter the X and Y coordinates in centimeters, specifying where the amount or text should be printed on the form.


Left: The X-coordinate is measured from the left edge, and the text is left-aligned.
Right: The X-coordinate is measured from the right edge, and the text is right-aligned.

If the element is set to inactive, it is ignored and does not appear on the salary certificate.


The element can also generate a dynamic field, similar to a custom field, which appears in the salary certificate edit dialog and the employee edit dialog (Person). In these dialogs, the text of the element can be overwritten. For checkboxes, if the box is checked, the value "true" is set in the calculation, and the text ("X") remains unchanged.

Defines whether this element can be overwritten using a dynamic field. For most elements that are calculated from salary types, this is not necessary. This is useful only for texts and checkboxes that need to be printed on the form in addition to calculated amounts.

Field type
Select the type of field: Checkbox or Text field.

The text entered here is displayed as a tooltip over an info icon (on mouseover). This text can be entered in multiple languages, see Translation field.