Select a document from the table and click on "View" (or simply double-click on the invoice). The detail view of the document appears in a new (closable) tab:

This button refreshes the PDF preview.

Edit [more]
Hereby you can edit this document.

Hereby you can delete this document.

Next step [more]
The centerpiece of your workflow: Changing the status of a document, adding payments (and other contra-entries), and the continuation of the document (e.g. creating an invoice from an offer).

Dossier [more]
Documents that are part of the same order (e.g. offer, order confirmation, delivery note, invoice) form a dossier together.

Book entries [more]
List of book entries and contra-entries (e.g. payments) which are created by a document.

You can attach one or multiple files here. See Attachments.

Hereby you can download this document as a PDF.

Send mail [more]
This document can be sent by e-mail, as a PDF attachment.


The current status of the document is displayed prominently. With mouseover you can view the status history:


Document template
CashCtrl provides many templates for the PDF document:

A4 window right / left, with deposit slip, with QR code, etc.

Select the appropriate template for the envelope you use.

Manage: With this button you can configure and edit document templates. In a document template you can show/hide some elements (like the logo, responsible person, etc.).

The address of the sender is adopted from the configured locations of your organization. The address of the headquarters location is filled in by default.

Manage: Here you can maintain your locations. Note that every location can have its own logo, which will be displayed on the document.

The address of the recipient is automatically filled (if that information is available - see People). If the customer has multiple addresses you can choose one in the upper field.

Manage: Here you can edit the person and his addresses.

The document can be displayed in different languages.

It is displayed in your language (see user profile) by default.

If you set a language on the recipient person, then this is used by default (see People).

Display gross prices
Displays gross prices for the items. By default, net prices are displayed.


Text above / below
This text is displayed above resp. below the table (of items).

You can also save these texts as text templates and reuse them later.

Insert placeholder: With this menu you can insert various placeholders (variables) into the text, like e.g. the full name of the customer, your own name, the customer no., the current date, etc.


PDF attachment
Here you can upload a PDF whose pages are appended at the end of the order document. For example, you can have your Terms of Service automatically appended to this document.

With "Upload file" or by dragging and dropping a file on the designated area you can upload a new file. With "Select file" you can choose an already uploaded file from the file manager, see Files.

Replace whole order document with PDF
Only for purchase orders: With this option the generated document is replaced by the PDF uploaded here. Useful if you want to see the actual vendor invoice and not the one generated by CashCtrl.