In the dossier all documents are listed which belong to the same order. So from an offer document you can quickly jump to the corresponding invoice via the dossier.

On the one hand you have an overview of the history of your order, with date, document number, status and total amount. At the same time, every entry is a link with which you can open the corresponding document.

This is the currently selected / opened document.

How do I link documents to form a dossier?

  1. With Next step / Continue as the newly created document is automatically linked to the currently selected document, via the field Continued from.
    If the new document should NOT be linked to the previous document, then remove the previous document from the field Continued from upon creation.
  2. Via Dossier / Manage you can add or remove documents from a dossier.


Here you can add or remove existing documents to/from a dossier to correct faulty dossiers retroactively. New documents cannot be created here, use Next step / Continue as for this purpose.