This is the detail view of a person. It provides a quick overview of all relevant information about the person, making it easier to review and copy data. And the detail view makes it possible for other modules to link to a person. Additionally, other modules such as orders (sales/purchases), salary statements, salary certificates, and journal entries can be accessed here in a filtered view specific to this person.

Refreshes the overview or the active tab.

Edit / Copy [more]

Allows editing or copying the person.

Deletes the person if they are not already referenced.

Attachments related to the person can be viewed, uploaded, and downloaded here.
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).

On the right side, you can see the activity history for this person, including changes made to the person, relevant orders, salary statements and book entries. See Audit Log.


Displays all relevant information about the person in a structured view.

A filtered view of the Orders / Sales module.

A filtered view of the Orders / Purchase module.

Salary statements
A filtered view of the Salary statements module.
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).

Salary Certificates
A filtered view of the Salary certificates module.
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).

Book entries
A filtered view of the Journal module.