Edit sum
This is a PRO feature (not available in the free version).
A unique 4-digit number for the sum. This number determines the order of sums both on the salary statement and in the salary type recap report. The number must be unique across both sums and salary types (a salary type cannot have the same number as a sum, and vice versa). Most numbers are taken from the Swissdec salary type master.
The name of the sum, which can be entered in multiple languages (see Translation field).
The variable name used for this sum in salary type calculations. It must start with a $ character. For example, the salary type "5010 AHV contribution" is calculated using the sum "9010 AHV base" (simplified: $ahvBase * $ahvRate / 100). Variable names must be globally unique across salary types, sums, pre-calculations, global values, and custom fields.
As column in salary type master
Defines whether the sum should be displayed as a default column in the salary type master report (as a required field for salary types).