Mandatory field
This name serves as identification of the location in the application. It will not be included in the address.

The company name (is included in the address for documents).

Address / Zip / Location / Country
The address of the location. You can enter multi-line text.

If the location is marked as inactive, it is grayed out everywhere and won't be suggested anymore. Although locations can be deleted, it is usually better to mark them inactive because they may still be referenced in old order documents.


Here you can upload a logo for the location. This will be displayed on order documents and in reports.

UID, Bank data

Your UID (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer) resp. value-added tax number. Can be displayed on order documents.

The international bank account number. Can be displayed on order documents and is used for the deposit slip and the QR invoice.

Switzerland only: The QR-IBAN is a variation of the account number (IBAN) which must be used for payments with structured reference (ESR). Ask your bank about your QR-IBAN.

QR reference first digits (e.g. ESR-ID)
The first few digits (max. 8) in the Swiss QR reference (not used in the European QR reference). Some banks recommend to include the ESR-ID in the QR reference.

Abbreviation for "Business Identifier Code". This code identifies your bank.


Here you can set the footer text for order documents for each location. This overrides the footer text which was set in the document template.

This text is displayed at the bottom of the document.