Fiscal period
The fiscal period menu always displays the currently selected fiscal period (calendar years by default). And you can switch between fiscal periods, create new ones, complete and reopen them.
Edit [more]
Here you can edit the current fiscal period.
Here you can delete the current fiscal period, but only if all book entries in this period are covered by another fiscal period, or if this period has no entries.
Complete [more]
You can first choose between completing single months or the entire fiscal period (year-end closing). The completed period is then protected from changes, i.e. the book entries are locked and cannot be changed anymore. For the year-end closing a dialog with a checklist opens.
If you are in an already completed fiscal period you cannot make changes anymore. This applies to all book entries in the Journal as well as procedures that lead to automatic book entries, like e.g. Order documents. Other data like e.g. Accounts, Inventory (articles and services) and People can still be adapted. Though accounts cannot be changed completely and already used accounts cannot be deleted. Here you can reopen the current fiscal period.
Fiscal periods
Here you have a list of all fiscal periods. Fiscal periods with a lock icon are completed.
By selecting a fiscal period in this list, only book entries and order documents from this fiscal period are displayed in the Journal resp. under Orders.
All years
This is a virtual fiscal period which includes all financial years. You can use this to find old book entries or order documents from any time.
Manage [more]
Here you can view and manage the fiscal periods in a table.